We are selling yerba mate!
PREMIUM AND ORGANIC There are several brands of yerba mate in Argentina, the regular ones (Playadito, Rosamonte, Taraguí, CBSé, and so on) are well known by the yerba mate drinkers…
PREMIUM AND ORGANIC There are several brands of yerba mate in Argentina, the regular ones (Playadito, Rosamonte, Taraguí, CBSé, and so on) are well known by the yerba mate drinkers…
Enjoy this short video about yerba mate, then find how interesting is this miraculous plant.
Stainless Steel Cups In December and January, the offer of the month are these beautiful stainless steel cups, which are made and painted by hand, in addition to this,…
Why is important to share a mate? Because you are not sharing just a gourd with a mix of leaves, sticks and dust in it, as a matter of fact,…
Are you tired of dealing with yerba mate dust? Here is the accessory that will help you to get rid of it with no efforts. Despolvillador is an exclusive accessory…
Did you know that when you buy a gourd a bamboo bombilla is included? But, the question is…why? Because this bombilla was the original one, used by the Guaraní tribe,…